

For the past six years, Network 40 has attempted to be a different voice in the babble of trade magazines.  We are proud of the fact that we are a “radio-friendly” trade…the only publication that offers pertinent programming information on a weekly basis.  We constantly strive to remain on and beyond the cutting edge.

We believe our radio and record information is second to none.  And, thanks in no small part to you, our readers, Network 40 has grown into the most exciting trade publication in our industry.

A quick look through the pages of Network 40 shows the changes you have wrought.  The magazine today looks almost nothing like he magazine of six years ago. As the industry has changed, so have the pages of Network40.  And we hope that in six more years, the changes will be just as innovative.

Our covers have become the talk of the industry.  Leaders in radio and records have made the covers their own special canvases in creating new and unique looks.

Inside the front cover, Network 40’s Crunch Page gives you the only thumbnail sketch available.  On one page, you can find the top-performing records in all formats. You get an overview of the most added, most accelerated and most requested records of the week, as well as pertinent video information.  We also throw in pictures of the promotion executives who are responsible for the top records…just in case you don’t know what they look like.  Besides, with all the grief they get, weekly recognition in this “what have you done for me lately” business is something we all need to acknowledge.

Our News section puts you in touch with everything that is going on in the business.  Whether it’s the latest radio station sale, a signing or promotion, you’ll get it first in Network 40.  We weed out the news and keep you informed as no other trade magazine does.

After the news comes Page 6…the most famous page in our industry.  Is there anyone working in radio or in a record company who doesn’t turn to this page immediately?  No other publication can come close to our handle on the “rumors, half-truths and outright lies” that drives our industry.  Who’s going where…who’s thinking about going where…who’s thinking and who’s not…if it’s even possible, you’ll read about it on Page 6.  Because you asked us to tone it down, we have.  For now.

Do I really need to comment on the Editorial?  Is there anything like it in our industry?  Absolutely not.  Week after week, we tackle the tough questions facing our industry.  In a business where opinions are always made, but seldom made known, Network 40 puts it on the line every week.  Whether or not you agree or disagree with what is written, you have to agree that you get an opinion every week.  This page is influenced more by our readers than any other.  I would love to take credit for the ideas that have been expounded here, but the simple truth is, these ideas are yours.  This forum is yours.  I just happen to have the keypad.

Every week, Network 40 provides you with an in-depth interview with one of the brightest lights in our business.  From the leaders of the world’s largest record companies, to the major-market programmers, to the innovative minds that toil under lesser lights, the Network 40 interview shines on them all.

Network 40’s Hotline provides a perfect forum for programmers and record executives to discuss their ideas on the topics that dominate the particular week’s conversations.  If it’s happening in our business, you’ll read what people think about it in Hotline.

The Programmer’s Textbook is just what it says.  A text on the art of specific programming shared with the brightest programmers in the business.  Different programming aspects are dissected in-depth on these pages by the programmers who know them best.

The Station Spotlight gives our readers a quick glance at stations across the country.  From large to small, Top 40 to A/C to Crossover to Alternative, each week you’ll find a comparison.

Two new features, Speedbumps and the Penguin Page, feature MDs and local promotion people, respectively.  It gives you a look at today’s heroes and tomorrow’s stars.

On the following pages, you’ll find articles written about the music successes in all formats Network 40 is proud to point to the fact that every one of our radio editors have radio experience.  This allows them to talk about music in a way programmers understand.  If it’s on the radio, you’ll know about it when you read these columns.  You’ll also find our exclusive PPW charts in all formats.

Next is the part programmers most often like to steal.  Network 40’s exclusive Promotions page and Promo Planners are the most ripped-off in the business.  And we love it.  These pages are written specifically for programmers, MDs and jocks to make their jobs easier.  Promotions, Show Prep and Play It! Say It! are unique.  There’s nothing like them in our industry.

Next you’ll find Network 40’s exclusive Most Requested section, detailing the most requested records on radio stations across the country.  We compile this information daily, fax it to radio and records daily and print the weekly tabulations in each issue of Network 40.

Noww Playing shows you specific playlists of the most important stations in the country.

Are our Picture Pages the greatest or what?

The Spin Cycle in the back of the book gives you and in-depth analysis of record activity on radio and sales.  If you want to find out how a record is doing, check the Spin Cycle.

Of course, this is our opinion.  We could be wrong.  One of the biggest keys in our growth has been the input we’ve received from those of you in records and radio.  Network 40 has always attempted to mirror the opinions of our readers rather than dictate our beliefs.  And although we seek your input on a weekly basis in our conversations, next week we want to up the wattage.

We’re going to give you the opportunity to fill out our report card.  How do you feel about Network 40.  Do you want to make it better?

Next week, you’ll get the chance.


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